工作人员 Campus Climate Survey

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2022年4月, the University conducted a survey to gather staff perceptions of our campus climate and work-life experiences which provided valuable insight into the quality of our working environment at ODU. The assessment gave staff the opportunity to candidly evaluate and comment on their individual experiences and observations. They also evaluated their familiarity with campus resources that address workplace matters such as harassment, 第九条, and discrimination concerns.

This anonymous survey was administered to 1,798 hourly employees, 机密的员工, and administrative & professional faculty. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness & 评估 distributed the survey, which took approximately 15 minutes to complete. 38% of staff (683) started the survey, and 32% of staff (575) completed the survey in full. The population of staff who completed the survey in full was 4% more female and 10% more white than the sample of all staff surveyed.

The aggregate responses provide a well-rounded snapshot of our campus climate, including what works and what could be improved. This insight has helped inform the following overarching recommendations:

  • Endorse Departmental 工作人员 Recognition 项目

  • Host Vice President Listening Tours

  • Explore Career Ladders: Improve advancement opportunities for traditionally underrepresented staff.

  • Increase management's awareness of:

    • Opportunities for schedule flexibility

    • Opportunities for rewards and recognition

    • 工作人员 retention strategies

    • Emotional intelligence strategies

    • Management Book Reviews

  • 支持 bold and inclusive conversations

  • Provide guidance for difficult conversations with colleagues and supervisors

  • Increase awareness of available mediation support

  • Increase awareness of policy protecting staff from retaliation

  • Enhance accessibility of ODU website

  • Increase awareness of ADA accommodations

  • Develop of an 就业 Opportunities Plan

  • Conduct a Compensation Study to address salary concerns

  • Conduct potential follow-up surveys:

    • 人力资源

    • Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity

  • Explore Summer Schedules