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College of Arts & LettersMinors

African-American Studies (Minor)

The African American and African Studies (AAST) program offers the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees. The program is designed to give students an essential core of basic knowledge and analytical skills, while providing an opportunity to take courses from two areas, African American Studies or African Studies.

American Studies (Minor)

American Studies offers a unique opportunity to explore the cultures and societies of America from a perspective that is inherently interdisciplinary. This program provides a structured platform to encourage students to cross traditional academic boundaries and to integrate the arts, humanities, and social sciences. It is an effective program complement for those majoring in the related fields of art, music, dance and theatre; communication, English, and foreign languages; history, geography, and political science; philosophy; sociology, and criminal justice; as well as interdisciplinary majors in women's studies, African American and African studies, and international studies. The minor is also effective for international students, who may wish either to better understand American culture or to acquire an expertise useful in their home countries.

Applied Ethics (Philosophy, Minor)

This minor is designed to provide students with a robust training in ethical reasoning as it appears within a variety of applied fields, and an ability to analyze moral arguments proposed in serious discussions of any subject. This minor is designed for students concerned with ethical issues in their chosen major or intended career, especially those who wish to work on regulation, policy, and professional standards within their field or profession.

Art History (Minor)

The study of the history of art promotes visual and cultural literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. Students may major or minor in Art History at ODU, and it is part of the curricula of studio art, art education, and graphic design as well. After a survey of world art from ancient to contemporary, students may select areas of interest as they build their skills in research and writing, but are encouraged to sample broadly from course offerings. Advanced majors may pursue internships at museums and other cultural venues, conduct independent research with faculty guidance, and write an original thesis as a culmination of their studies.

Asian Studies (Minor)

The minor in Asian Studies seeks to promote an expanded awareness and understanding of the nations and cultures of Asia, to support and encourage research on Asia, and to make available resources to enable better understanding and more effective interaction between organizations and individuals in the Hampton Roads area and those in Asia. The Institute of Asian Studies initiates and coordinates the development and operation of special programs, and administers a major in Asian Studies. It also explores and maintains cooperative relationships with higher education institutions and other organizations within the United States and throughout Asia in order to enhance Asian Studies programs in this university and region.

Children's Rights (Minor)

This interdisciplinary minor is focused on the exploration of child rights within and across diverse disciplines and in the U.S. and internationally. This perspective challenges approaches in the various disciplines that have in their study of children traditionally denied or failed to recognize children’s human rights and dignity. In place of the traditional perspectives, courses in this interdisciplinary minor frame the study of children within the larger framework of human rights, more specifically, children’s rights and status as a group within society in social science research and theory, literature, the arts, humanities, education, counseling, law and public policy.

Chinese Studies (Minor)

About one-fifth of the world's population, or over one billion people, speaks some variety of Chinese, making it the most commonly spoken first language in the world. As one of largest trading partners of the United States, China is becoming the second largest economy in the world. Whether you are studying Chinese to fulfill your foreign language requirement, as preparation for study abroad in China, for a minor in Chinese Studies, or for your future career, this program offers you both curricular and extracurricular means to meet your goals.

Communication (Minor)

Communication is one of the more popular minors in the College of Arts and Letters. Our minor program produces creative, culturally aware, highly effective, communicators. Our student-centered approach is a synthesis of theoretical and applied learning providing a dynamic, conceptual grounding for lifelong learning and career flexibility.

Criminal Justice (Minor)

The criminal justice minor allows students to work with a diverse and knowledgable faculty, specializing in criminology and criminal justice. We offer a variety of courses on criminal justice administration. CRJS 215S and CRJS 222 are prerequisites for the minor.

Cybersecurity (Minor)

The interdisciplinary minor in cybersecurity is focused on the technological, structural, social, and legal frameworks used to secure computer networks and software. The study of cybersecurity combines multiple fields including computer science, engineering, information technology, criminal justice, and philosophy, to name a few. In an effort to promote the security of computer networks, software, and cyber information, an interdisciplinary understanding about technological, legal, philosophical, and structural aspects of cybersecurity is needed. This minor will provide students from different majors the knowledge they need to understand, manage, prevent or respond to cyber incidents they are likely to encounter in their careers.

Dance (Theatre & Dance, Minor)

The Old Dominion University Dance Program engages students in a dynamic and transformative process of dance training, fostering curiosity, imagination, versatility and innovation. Through interdisciplinary learning, scholarly research and engagement with local and global communities, students experience dance on many levels helping them to think critically and live creatively as dance artists.

English (Minor)

The English General Minor consists of five (15 credit hours) of 300- and 400-level English courses; however, three hours must be at the 400 level. The General Minor allows students to “make their own” minor and enroll in courses which suit their personal interests and/or professional goals.

Environment & Resources (Geography, Minor)

Welcome to the Geography Program at Old Dominion University! With eight full time faculty and one hundred majors, we are a vibrant community specializing in the study of a variety of fields of study, including Geographic Information Science (GIS), Environmental Geography, Human Geography, Regional Geography and Geography Education. Students can specialize in one or more of these areas. ODU Geography graduates work in a variety of fields and places, both in the public and private sector in Hampton Roads, throughout Virginia and around the world. Recent graduates have worked at places as diverse as the International Atomic Energy Agency, NASA, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, Google Maps, local planning agencies, and as K-12 educators. In addition, many of our students have gone on to pursue graduate degrees at universities across the country.

European Studies (Minor)

The turn of the twenty-first century coincides with the first united European currency, the Euro. The Euro is emblematic of a new Europe, one that has become a major force not only in world politics but in the ever-evolving cultural landscape of the new millennium. The study of European cultures provides students with a unique understanding of the complex mosaic that is today’s Europe. In the increasingly competitive job market, a focus on European Studies is a valuable asset in any field. Students who minor in European Studies focus on different aspects of European culture, language, literature, film, politics, geography, philosophy, and history.

Film Studies (Minor)

The Film Studies Minor offers students an opportunity to develop a better critical understanding of the film art, while also engaging in the creative process of writing screenplays and producing documentaries.

French (Minor)

The French minor encourages students to work not only toward proficiency in the French language, but to learn about the culture, history, literature, politics, and geography of the French-speaking world. The focus of the French minor is on practical, culture-based proficiency in the use of French.

Geography (Minor)

Welcome to the Geography Program at Old Dominion University! With eight full time faculty and one hundred majors, we are a vibrant community specializing in the study of a variety of fields of study, including Geographic Information Science (GIS), Environmental Geography, Human Geography, Regional Geography and Geography Education. Students can specialize in one or more of these areas. ODU Geography graduates work in a variety of fields and places, both in the public and private sector in Hampton Roads, throughout Virginia and around the world. Recent graduates have worked at places as diverse as the International Atomic Energy Agency, NASA, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, Google Maps, local planning agencies, and as K-12 educators. In addition, many of our students have gone on to pursue graduate degrees at universities across the country.

German (Minor)

A minor in German will help students achieve practical and culture-based proficiency in German through studying German literature, philosophy, film, art, and news as well as related fields such as history, politics, economics, and the arts. We offer a great variety of curricular and extracurricular means to meet your academic, professional, and personal goals—whether you are studying German language and culture to fulfill your language requirement, in preparation for studying and working in a German-speaking country, or out of sheer interest and curiosity for all things German.

History (Minor)

The Department of History offers a minor in history that is an excellent complement to majors in geography, political science, sociology and philosophy.

International Studies (Minor)

The International Studies minor centers on studies in world languages and cultures, geography, history, and political science. Students must complete 15 credit hours and have considerable flexibility to choose courses that meet their interests, or to focus on particular geographical or topical fields.

Japanese (Minor)

No matter what your major is, minoring in Japanese will open doors to new places and new possibilities. Our interactive, proficiency-oriented classes aim to develop students' language skills and socio-cultural awareness and competencies. Students have many opportunities to practice their language skills and connect with Japanese speakers through class activities and projects. We are committed to fostering competent global citizens who are critical and creative thinkers, effective communicators, and good collaborators.

Jewish Studies (Minor)

The minor in Jewish Studies fosters knowledge of Jewish history, thought, cultures, and languages through education, scholarship, and community outreach. The program offers courses in the Jewish religion and literature, the Hebrew language, the history of modern Israel and its role in shaping global Jewish identity, the cultures of the Jewish diaspora throughout the ages, and the ethical and philosophical role of Judaism in influencing other world religions and civilizations.

Latin American Studies (Minor)

The Latin American Studies minor offers an opportunity to study one of the most diverse and fascinating regions of the world. You’ll explore issues and topics pertaining to Latin America with courses from various fields of study including music, politics, economics, women’s studies, archeology, theatre, art history, language, literature, architecture, agriculture, science and history. The minor is beneficial to students interested in careers in teaching, law, health care, business, communications, the arts, nonprofits, government and other fields, and for students wishing to pursue graduate degrees with emphasis on area studies or foreign language.

Behind the scene. Cameraman shooting film scene with his camera

Media Studies (Minor)

The minor in Media Studies consists of 15 hours of course work taken from designated courses in the Department of Communication & Theatre Arts. The minor requires COMM 260 and least 12 additional credits of designated course work at the 300-400 level.

Middle Eastern Studies header

Middle Eastern Studies (Minor)

The minor in Middle Eastern studies focuses on the study of several aspects of Middle Eastern culture, language, politics, geography, and history. The minor consists of 15 hours of course work. Students can elect Track I which includes as a prerequisite three hours of 202-level Arabic, French, Hebrew, Farsi or any other language used in research in the region; this course is not included in the grade point average for the minor. Languages such as Armenian and Turkish could meet this requirement upon the taking of a proficiency examination. Students can also choose Track II, which is a non-language option.

Music Composition (Minor)

The Music Minor can be paired with practically any major in the university. The minor areas are designed for students who want to continue to develop musically throughout their college career. It is highly recommended that students begin the Music Minor in the freshman year. The Music Composition Minor focuses on the development of composition and analysis skills based on a study of the theoretical background of music from various periods and cultures.

Music History (Minor)

The Music Minor can be paired with practically any major in the university. The minor areas are designed for students who want to continue to develop musically throughout their college career. It is highly recommended that students begin the Music Minor in the freshman year. The Music History Minor includes the departmental requirements of the degree and history-specific courses such as History of Music and History of Jazz.

Music Performance (Minor)

The Music Performance Minor can be paired with practically any major in the university and is designed for students who want to continue to perform throughout their college career. It is highly recommended that students begin the Music Performance Minor in the first semester of their freshman year.

Philosophy (Minor)

This program is designed to give students a solid grounding in the history of philosophy, and an ability to analyze arguments proposed in serious discussions of any subject.

Political & Legal Studies (Philosophy, Minor)

The political and legal studies minor is aimed at students interested in social and political philosophy, particularly those planning to attend law school.

Political Science (Minor)

The minor in political science is designed to support students interested in strengthening their understanding of politics, government, and public policy. Because these topics touch virtually every field, students can also apply political science in their major field, whether it is in the social sciences, humanities, or almost any field of study from biology to computer science, business to engineering, sports to public health. The minor is also valuable preparation for students who want to engage the future as informed citizens.

Public Law (Political Science, Minor)

The minor in public law is designed to support students who are interested in specializing in public law and strengthening their understanding of politics and government. The program might be particularly attractive to those interested in attending law school. Combined with politics and public policy, the public law minor is highly relevant and useful, and prepares students to engage the future as informed citizens and potentially as students of the law.

Religious Studies (Philosophy, Minor)

This minor is designed for students looking to understand the role of religion in human culture and to expand their cultural competency.

Sociology (Minor)

Undergraduate students may earn a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science with a major in sociology, sociology with an emphasis in social welfare, or criminal justice. While earning their Bachelors, students majoring in criminal justice or sociology have the chance to earn departmental honors. The departmental honors program is designed to provide undergraduate students who are excelling in their studies an opportunity for more advanced studies in their major field including the opportunity to work independently with department faculty.

Spanish (Minor)

Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world, the first in the Americas, and the second in the USA. At a global and national level, cultural and language proficiency in Spanish has become an indispensable strength in many professional fields. Whether you are interested in the impact of global warming and rising sea levels, in national and international social issues, business entrepreneurship, health, law, social sciences, engineering, U.S. government, or education, a Spanish minor is a great way to strengthen your CV and improve your national and international career prospects when paired with a B.A or B.S degree.

Studio Arts (Minor)

The Department of Art at ODU offers courses in drawing, painting, photography, printmaking and 3D media.

The Designed World (Interdisciplinary Minor)

This interdisciplinary minor explores the interwoven historical, cultural, aesthetic, perceptual, and technical domains of the designed world. That virtually all aspects of the human-built world are designed is a generally accepted belief. Creative planning and critical analysis of design dynamics are emphasized within these disciplinary course subjects.

Theatre (Theatre & Dance, Minor)

The Theatre Minor is for students who want to explore every aspect of theatre -- from acting to producing to designing. If your goal is to work as a director, producer or dramaturg, this is for you. You'll develop a well-rounded understanding of the what, how and why of theatre.

Women's Studies (Minor)

Women’s Studies is an international discipline that focuses on gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, nation, and language as a means of understanding social systems and making meaningful contributions to a range of fields. Through a feminist perspective, women’s studies looks at how gender organizes and divides the world, and how individuals can make a difference for women and girls, and wider human rights and environmental causes. As a minor, students can combine a range of other focus areas to develop specializations in a range of academic and professional areas.

World Cultures: Values & Visions (Minor)

This interdisciplinary minor provides students with a platform necessary to approach global challenges and concerns through a consideration of varying cultural perspectives, values, and resources. This minor gives students a chance to take advantage of a broad range of courses on global issues and it promotes the development and application of skills in intercultural understanding necessary in today’s global marketplace. Students build their individual program by selecting courses that best complement their major field of study and future professions.

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